Episode 25 – Umurangi Generation

Game of the hour: Umurangi Generation

Your intrepid photographer evades the UN police, sliding under some raggedly thrown up caution tape and bounding past b-boys and gawking tourists. She brings her camera up and shuffles through her duffel bag looking for the right lens: “50mm? 180? wide-angle?” Finally her fingers close around the fisheye; not great for wider compositions but sick as hell if you can get in close. She locks the lens onto its mounting and raises the camera to her eye in one smooth, buttery motion. This particular piece of graffiti deserves to be immortalized on film: “Tavit and Yussef: Best Budz Forever”

Other topics discussed: Moving on up(state), three years of catch-up, Hollow Knight, Odin’s Sphere, Mass Effect