Episode 11 – Uncharted 4


Nathan slides recklessly down the muddy embankment firing RPGs at hordes of nameless Euro-military types. “Hey I just met you,” he bellows at Elena over the explosive rattle of gun fire. “This is crazy!” Elena responds as she backflips onto a jet ski while filming the whole scene through her camcorder. “Well, here’s my number.” Nate tosses a live grenade with his digits sprayed on at a group of baddies running off with the treasure. “Call it a perfect 10 maybe”: Every game publication on Earth.

Guest this week: Joe Russ – Creator of the upcoming adventure game Jenny LeClue

Other games discussed: Inside

Further Reading:

Stephen King and George RR Martin

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer

The Babadook

Drag Me To Hell

Nate Dies at The End Theory

Walt Dies at The End of Breaking Bad Theory

Minority Part End is a Dream Theory

Episode 4 – Life is Strange


Maxine Caulfield slams her locker door shut. Another rough day being a gifted teen at Blackwell Academy. Scrawled across her locker in black Sharpie, someone has written “Go Fuck Your Selfie.” Max sighs. “Who even comes up with this stuff?” she wonders.

Other games discussed: Bloodborne, Dungeons and Dragons